Emily Lovett


I am in Australia, so cannot look into this myself. Can you tell me why the church etc was passed to John Waldron and then further to George, as you can guess I am researching the Waldrons (lucky me) and this story I find quite interesting. I congratulate you on a wonderful website and if I lived in England I would place my bed in the archives and would be there for the rest of my life and even then would probably never work it out. I am descended from John Waldron of the Hill Tavern in Clent


Penelope Waldron


 We are Queensland's!

Concerned Citizens of Queensland 
All I'm asking for is our democratic right to have a decent health service –
 Please stand up and demand, in a polite manner, that our health services be
 given back to the standard that we as Queenslanders have a right to expect.

We’re the people that they breed tough, north of the border. ‘‘We’re the
 ones that they knock down, and we get up again.  Anna Bligh

If Anna Bligh did nothing else she reminded us of who we were

We will not stand by and allow the “Little Man,” to tear our state to pieces 

I have sent the following letter to our representatives in parliament

I pen these words in the hope that you as a representative of our Parliaments 
will save our Queensland Health system.

I am aligned to no party, being considered “A Swinging Voter”
I and every person in Queensland needs your help in a bipartisan manner 
to restore to us our Maryborough Hospital and it's connecting services.

The voters of the Fraser Coast voted overwhelmingly  to give the LNP leader
 the right to act on our behalf, mistakenly believing the promises he made -
BIG MISTAKE and for this we will all pay. 

This “Little Man” is destroying our health services, so he can build his
 “New Tower of Babble” not because of debt as he claims. 

Will it be the town you live in next?

Yes the parliament Building in Brisbane is old, but it is a beautiful
 heritage Building, as our hospitals are. 
Both need to be restored – not destroyed.

The spirits of all who have made Queensland the great state
 that it was, 
 have walked those corridors. Nobody has the right to destroy the work of 
those who have gone before. 
They don't care that the carpets are worn and threadbare – we do not expect
 our representatives
 to walk on new carpet, or sit on comfortable chairs, we just expect
 that they will do their job they were elected for and are paid to do. 
Please get your priorities  right and stand up for us. Not only our futures are at stake, 
but yours  are too!

Yes there is a new hospital in Hervey Bay just thirty minutes away. 
The staff of this 
hospital are overworked, underpaid and can not continue with the workload they have 
to carry
 – they are only human and do their best, but this hospital has nowhere near enoug
h beds or staff – 
neither has the Maryborough Hospital

We have a population of ageing residents, which will triple as the so called
 “Baby Boomers,
”retire. Many will come to the Fraser Coast. This will triple or quadruple the
 need for our health services

Many seniors are reaching the time when they will be unable to drive or own a
 car and to quote many, “Should not be driving, as they are unsafe on the 
roads more carnage! 
You and yours will be old one day. The old adage of “Growing old gracefully”
 is a fallacyand all will need a hospital at some time.

We have the Bruce Highway right on our doorstep – this is the very road 
that members have used to score points from to suit their needs in both parliaments. 
You members have described it as a disgrace and dangerous, yet you are prepared to 
allow the carnage to continue– five 
in the past month. 

Instead of travelling this road like a tourist. Go with the dedicated people 

who pick up 
the bodies on this highway.  Go with the paramedics and help them decide whether they 
attend an accident or they save a seriously ill child– Stand beside the doctors
 and nurses while they lose a patient that would have lived if they had been treated just half an hour before.

Fly in an emergency helicopter – oops! they can't afford the fuel

Are you prepared to face the mothers, fathers and their families and 
tell them you are sorry that their loved ones died because there was
 no hospital near enough, or that our few ambulances had to let their
 child die because they were rushing someone to Hervey Bay. 
They are not God so should not have to make that decision, 
and yet you expect them to.

This hospital has served the Fraser Coast for over 150 years and 
the dedicated staff have saved many lives, and could save many more if given the chance. 
They should not have to live with the nightmares from knowing that someone
 has died needlessly, nor should they live with the stress of losing their jobs.

History will show that no more babies will be born in Maryborough. 

This is their heritage and nobody has the right to remove that.
Queensland once had the best health services in the country and now look at what
 has been destroyed by the ineptitude of all parties. 

How many will die because of your impotence. It is time to stand up and be counted.

The “Little Man” will not be there after the next election and if you do not
 wish to join him in his retirement then all we ask is that you stand
 up and save our hospital.

Pennie Manderson

I am not affiliated to any political party though I accept help from members of parties. 

I do not follow the doctrine of any political party

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